After talking with my teammates i had to go and tweak some color on the textures as well as some lighting for foreground and middleground.
also i added a noise map to generate some displacement on the mountain of the middle ground so it catches some detail
Sunday 11/05/2023
also i took the information of those masks i was able to scatter to points rocks and different types of bushes and grass
rock scatter to points
rock scatter to points
bushes scatter to points
bushes scatter to points
grass scatter to points
grass scatter to points
camera calling for terrain, rocks and grass
camera calling for terrain, rocks and grass
point scattering based on masks
point scattering based on masks
with  then based on the erode node i was able to get different masks so i can put grass and rocks as well as taking that information into the material so i can have variation on colors.
saturday 11/04/2023
debris mask
debris mask
height mask
height mask
erotion mask
erotion mask
after creating the the mountains i had to transform the height field into a mesh
i was able to play with height fields and i got  a mountain that i liked based on some references that i have to post, this is the result:.
how i did it was by painting the weight of a mask to then generate the mountain.
Friday 11/03/2023
paint mask
paint mask
height map
height map
detail map
detail map
after some feedback of professors and the mentors, and talking with my teammates i was able to refine the middle ground of shot 005
Thursday 11/02/2023
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