Sorting it out - short loop animation/comp​​​​​​​
After creating the procedural tunnel, i created a quick previz that I have in mind, after going through the frame I'll go to the real world, and then I'll follow the robot again into a frame letting me into a new part of the tunnel, and then the loop will start over
Saturday 09/30/2023​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Previz of the tunnel.


concept: the robot is an explorer while the camera is going through the tunnel we see how he has been re-exploring his life.

after talking with joe, he had a great idea of doing a procedural ambience, so instead of going inside the hallway i would go in it and change direction, up, down, left or right. then i wanted to add on top of that and once i get into one square i could go to the real world and see how there are so many other procedural worlds outside (cg integrate them)
Thursday 9/28/2023
After some tweaking i was able to do a hall way creator so i can modify and create as much rooms as i want.
Thursday 9/28/2023
Next Steps: 
- do some tests in different softwares on how to do a perfect loop
- figure out what to add in each square (approx. 8 different ideas, the 4 at the beginning are just different perspectives of the robot)
-find out a music
-figure out the motion of the clip/movie
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