Sorting it out - short loop animation/comp​​​​​​​
on Sunday imported cameras, objects and some images to the scene, i created a 3D camera projection to the frames, added some glowing details, and a 3D camera tracked the shot so on monday i could go ahead and render the hallway on the sky. 
Sunday 10/08/2023​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Previz of the tunnel.

i did some render tests, as well as shooting some plates for tracking. also i exported some geometry to nuke and began creating the scene
Saturday 10/07/2023
after some brainstorm i ended up taking out the robot idea because it was not supporting the main idea of the dreamy hallway
Friday 10/06/2023
Next Steps: 
- finalize last part
-probably reshoot
-full loop
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