After our last meeting with the mentors the team decided that we were going to change the look of shot 002. for me this was easier because i was having too many problems trying to match colors and give the golden hour look.
now I have a reference that I can emulate better as well as a new sky and the color matching was easier, still have to work on it. 
Wednesday 10/11/2023
this is the new reference for the matte painting, it was easier for me to go and change the color correction to a new sky of the whole matte painting than try to fix everything. 
i have to start with the matte painting of shot 05, so the concept is here. but because we changed shot 001 matte painting, i have to change the lighting of this one as well
swe created a new viz that shows a better relation between the shots of inside (the things) and the action of shot 005
tuesday 10/10/2023
Next Steps: 
- add dust trail
-bring layers of matte painting to nuke
-work on matte for shot 5
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